Happy Holidays!
The United States House of Representatives Bipartisan AI Task Force released their report yesterday after almost a year of engagement with civil society, industry, academia, and several branches of government. The 273-page document includes 66 key findings and 85 recommendations. I commend the House for taking a bipartisan view of the issue with a “targeted approach that balances the need to promote vibrant AI innovation while safeguarding Americans from potential harms as we enter an era of widespread adoption of AI.”
For some time, I have been writing about the need to balance these two objectives. Without getting into the details or the merits of each recommendation, it is worth noting that the task force has taken a sensible and principled approach along the following lines:
Identify AI Issue Novelty
Promote AI Innovation
Protect Against AI Risks and Harms
Empower Government with AI
Affirm the use of a Sectoral Regulatory Structure
Take an Incremental Approach
Keep Humans at the Center of AI Policy
As with any proposal of this nature, the details matter, and there is a lot of work ahead to negotiate priorities, navigate the political landscape, and secure agreement with the Senate and the Executive branch before these ideas can be turned into law and policy implemented. However, an important initial step has been taken.
My team and I have been speaking with dozens of members of Congress and tech industry leaders as part of the research we are conducting for AI policy in the US. There is a growing consensus that policy is needed to maintain the country’s leadership in the area. This document lays out viable options forward.
I encourage you to read the document or the sections that directly interest you and engage with your representatives.
Thank you to the bipartisan leadership and the members of the task force.